What is CBD?
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Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of over 100 naturally occurring phytocannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant is usually characterized as either hemp or marijuana. Hemp is used for making herbal supplements, food, fiber, rope, paper, bricks, oil, natural plastic, and many other items, where marijuana is utilized specifically for its resin. CBD is derived from secretions produced by both varieties and is the second most prevalent cannabinoid in marijuana and the top non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp. It should be noted that CBD oil is different from hemp seed oil and organic hemp oil, as these are derived from hemp seeds (not the resin) and do not contain CBD.
CBD is classified as a C21 terpenophenolic compound and its structure, shown in the diagram below, is comprised of an alkyl side chain, a monoterpene moiety, and a resorcinol ring1-3. CBDa, the acidic precursor to CBD, is produced within the plant when an enzyme called CBDa synthase encounters CBGa8. CBDa is then decarboxylated, resulting in the formation of CBD.
In terms of effects, CBD does not cause a “high” feeling like THC, otherwise known as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. Unlike THC, CBD does not interact strongly with the two classical cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2), in fact, evidence supports indirect interaction with these receptors. As a result, CBD does not cause any psychoactive effect. CBD also inhibits the enzymes that break down endocannabinoids, leading to an increase in levels of your body’s naturally-produced cannabinoids, in addition to interactions with other receptor types4-7.
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